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Limbo Review

Limbo is a fairly unique game, you most likely won't find another game like it. You are shoved into a eerie world with no formal introduction, or any idea what is going on, waking up in the middle of a field. I won't say Limbo is a revolutionary game or anything of the sort but it does it's job well.

Starting Screen.

Limbo is a puzzle/platformer game, mixed with horror elements, from the time you start playing to the end you will be immersed in a eerie yet vibrant living world, of course the puzzles do start off fairly easy, and eventually they start to add some fairly complex platforming puzzles in.


Saints Row: The Third Review

(to be updated with screenshots and edited.)

Saints Row: The Third's story begins as you and a few of your compadres are setting up to rob a bank, the reason exactly why is never explained, the story is almost non-existent as you progress through the game there isn't a whole lot of reason as to why you are doing this or that. But thankfully the cinematics are laced with a good sense of comedy and ridiculous action scenes as you are not allowed to skip them. But if anyone has told you Saints row games are fun because they have a great story, then they clearly must have been on a abundant of drugs.

While the story suffers from not existing the characters are still fairy entertaining to watch, they each have their own personality you will grow to like or dislike the characters as time goes on, which is great because you will be spending a lot of time around them, and if you couldn't even remember their name it'd be pretty bad. For instance Pierce and his annoying autotune voice makes you want to hit him over the head, perhaps steal his microphone and shove it up his various appendages.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome

If you aren't already using Google Chrome I will highly recommend it, a beautiful browser that works flawlessly, can be minimalistic or expansive.

Start up is fast and fluent, setting it up is instant, and if you want to install it on a new computer you can just setup the sync and all your files, bookmarks, settings, themes, everything will be there when you get on.

Chrome Extension: Pandora Enhancer

Pandora Enhancer

A neat extension that is great if you use pandora frequently, will remove annoying adds, timeouts, and even gives you a little popup window telling you what song is currently playing where you can vote like or dislike on it.

Chrome Extension: TooManyTabs

Visibo Product Updates: TooManyTabs For Chrome

This is a great chrome extension helpful for fluently browsing the web if you are ending up with 50 tabs open at once and having trouble managing them all, or even if you just want to store some tabs in a bookmark but not have to find and remove them later you can use this for that.

Also gives you a visual representation of all opening tabs so this is amazing for really anyone who wants a better browsing experience give it a shot, it's free anyways.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review

You start in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on a prison wagon, quickly you learn that you are a prisoner and you are heading to your execution for your involvement with the stormcloaks. The stormcloaks is a rebel group fighting against the imperial army, Ulfric Stormcloak the leader of the stormcloaks is with you on the prison wagon. Upon reaching your destination after taking a ride through some beautiful scenery you enter Halgen.

Skyrim Opening.

After you get out of the prison wagon you enter your character customization screen. Normally I wouldn't consider character customization part of the story but it is so expansive and even what race you pick influences whether someone might love you or tell you to go shove it. In character customization you pick between 10 races; Argonian, Breton, Dark Elf, High Elf, Imperial, Kahjiit, Nord, Orc, Reguard, Woodelf. You will not have a problem creating a decent looking character and they even have presets to make your life that much easier.

Character customization menu.

The world of Skyrim is a world filled with prejudice from being a mage to even what race you pick will influence what happens to you, what people think of you and alike. For example, when I went to the college, (which I will hit on more later) I was talking to the other students and there was one that was disappointed I was not a Nord. Nords inherently don't dabble in magic much because they have a very strong physique so they are much more suited to bludgeoning helpless people to death.


Welcome to my Blog

At the moment there isn't much here, but in the days to come I intend to post some Video Game Reviews. This is just something I plan to do when I'm bored so I won't be reviewing every game in existence and at that I will probably only review games I actually enjoyed playing.

There isn't really a whole lot that qualifies me to review games, but I figured I'd try my hand at it anyways, I've been playing game for about 11 years now I think since I was 7 or maybe 6. I have never actually tried to write a huge review on a game, I usually just end up making fun of bad games on my steam profile. 

I do not have a whole lot of friends but I am always happy to meet new people. I've only had a couple friends my whole life so my social skills can be kind awkward at times. If you somehow read one of these reviews and you feel like adding me my steam profile is at "".

Aside from playing video games I've spent a lot of my life playing music; Piano, Guitar, Drums, Violin, Bass, even at one point I did enjoy singing before I went mute, I am probably missing a few instruments but that's not really that important haha.

I enjoy a wide variety of music, though I generally only listen to a few bands now, as I spent most of my life listening to heavy metal so now I can't really stand a whole lot of noise. Supercell is by far one of my favorite bands though, my favorite genre of music is probably alternative.

Thank you very much for reading,
Mito, Ai